
We have ministries for people in all stages of life to be ministered to and to minister through. Often times it takes creating special ministries to help reach and grow certain groups for the Kingdom of God based upon what stage of life they are in. Although you will find some specific ministries at Zion Hill, our most important ministry takes place as a church family, unified for the cause of Christ. All of our ministries are supported by the whole church and we make every effort to come together for ministry purposes as often as we can as a full body of believers. 

Zion Kidz 

“Zion Kidz” is the name of our children’s ministry. Our heart for our children’s ministry is to give your children a foundation and understanding of what it means to follow Christ. We strive to not only teach your children about Christ but to also equip you to lead them in that relationship at home. We have several opportunities for the kids to learn how to walk in a relationship with God.

Sunday School | Sundays 10:45am in the Fellowship Hall 

On Sunday mornings at 10:45am we have a Sunday School class for every child. Each teacher comes prepared to teach a lesson as well as have times to bond and build relationships with the kids. During our worship hour we have Extended Teaching Care (ETC) for kindergarten and younger.

Wednesday Nights at 6:00 for Meal and 6:30pm begins Heritage Girls and TrailLife for Boys:

During this time the kids participate in Bible memory games and learn how to make application of Bible truths.

Children's Choir | (Seasonal) Sundays 6:00pm

We also have a children’s choir that meets on Sunday nights 6:00pm. This is seasonal and normally runs from September thru April. The children work on music for both our Christmas and Easter programs.

Missions | Wednesdays 6:00pm

On Wednesday nights (6:00pm) the children learn about being on mission! For those in kindergarten or below they will study missions in our Mission Friends class. For those in grades 1st-6th, the boys attend Royal Ambassadors (RAs) and the girls attend Girls In Action (GAs). On occasion, our RAs and GAs do more than just study missions, they actually go out in the community and do missions.

Outside of our regular meeting times we have several other children’s events throughout the year. Every summer our children attend CentriKid camp and we have a Kid’s Day Out schedule of activities. We also have a week-long Vacation Bible School every summer that is always a big hit!

Student Ministry

Small Group Time 

On Sunday mornings we meet for small group time (Sunday School) at 9:45. During this time we have the ability to fellowship and dive into God’s word. We follow this up with participating in church wide worship.

Growth Group | Sundays 5:00pm

Many of our students come back on Sunday evening for special studies during our “Growth Group” time at 5:00pm. It is during this time that our students are challenged to really dig deep in the Word and seek ways that God wants to grow them.


Our most highly attended gathering for our students is called "The Switch." The Switch takes place on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. During The Switch we have time to fellowship before spending time in contemporary worship with our band and speaker.

We believe it is important to offer as much as possible to not only our students but also to their families during this critical time of development. Although we strive to introduce them to who God is, we do not stop there. Our goal is to prepare the students to know who they are in God and what God’s plans may look like in their present day life as well as their future as adults.

Outside of the regular meeting times we have several student events that take place during the year. During the summer we take our students to CentriFuge camp as a means to get away from the normalcy of life and spend a week totally focused on God. Our students are also encouraged to be a part of our annual summer mission trips. During our week of Vacation Bible School for the children’s ministry, our students are hands on in helping lead the children during the week.

Women on Mission

Prayer Breakfast | 

Our ladies meet every month on the 3rd Saturday at 9:00am for Prayer Breakfast. Many of our ladies look forward to this time every month as the ladies have time to fellowship, share a meal, pray for missionaries, and take a look into God’s Word. Our ladies also work diligently to raise money for mission offerings such as Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (supports international missions), Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (supports mission efforts in North America), and the Dixie Jackson Offering (supports mission activity in the state of Arkansas). You will be sure to find ways to learn about God’s plan for your life alongside our great group of ladies through special women’s studies, small group classes, and just serving alongside one another.

Men's Ministry

Prayer Breakfast | 2nd Saturday 8:00am and are helping with Outreach and Renovation 

Our men meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 8:00am for a time of breakfast, fellowship, prayer, and devotion. Quite often you will find our men taking on a ministry project following these breakfasts. Aside from this time you will find our men leading out in several projects to help meet the needs of those in our community as well as heading up mission activity for the summer. We encourage the men to lead out as God’s Word as clearly mapped out and strive to have times where we can teach and encourage this within small groups.

Senior Saints Ministry

Prayer Brunch | 3rd Tuesday 11:00am

Our senior adults meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 11:00am for a meal. There is usually someone brought in at each meal to share their talents or knowledge about a subject with the group as well.

On almost a monthly basis there are trips planned within the state to visit unique places and have time to get together and fellowship.