What to Expect
Our church services are traditional Baptist services. We sing praises to the Lord; then we listen to an inspiring message from our pastor.
On Sunday morning we sing a mix of traditional hymns and praise and worship songs. We usually have a choir, a pianist, an organist, and a guitarist playing. On occasion we incorporate the drums as well. We usually have choir singing on Sunday morning.
What to wear
Our church is more concerned about your connection to the Lord than in what you wear. Men usually wear slacks or blue jeans. Button up, polo style, and t-shirts are all seen, along with suits and ties. Women sometimes wear a dress, or blouse with a skirt, slacks, or blue jeans. Wear what is comfortable to you, but please remember this is a house of worship and conservative attire is appreciated.
When you arrive
You will find a greeter at the door to welcome you and hand you a bulletin. Feel free to sit anywhere you like; if you need assistance finding a seat, an usher is available to assist. We do not recognize visitors during our service; however, there is a green visitor's card in the holder in the pew in front of you. If you wish to fill one out, you can hand it to the pastor at the door after the end of the service. We will occasionally be asked to stand for prayer or while singing. If you do not feel comfortable standing, it isn’t required. All we ask is that you sit back and enjoy worshipping the Lord with us.
Closing of the service
At the end of each service our pastor offers an invitation. If you are so moved, you are welcome to come down the aisle, talk with the pastor, and share what is on your mind. Otherwise, enjoy the invitation song. After we are dismissed by a prayer, you may want to hang around a while and get to know the friendly folks at Zion Hill, or feel free to leave and have a blessed day. We are so glad you stopped in.