What We Believe
Our Mission: “To fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commands of our King and Savior.”
Our Vision: "To be a thriving multi-generational praying church located in Central Arkansas which is on fire for the King. We seek to CONNECT people to God and His family, GROW to become like Jesus, SERVE others in the power of the Spirit, and GO make disciples everywhere."
Our Core Values:
Biblically Based
The Bible is the inspired word of God. It is our guide in pointing people to salvation through Jesus Christ. It is our guide in teaching, our guide for our manner of living and relating to others, and our guide in proclaiming the gospel throughout the world. It is our guide for our structure and organization.
Evangelistic Passion
The spiritual needs of our day are vast and immediate. We commit to an urgent sacrificial and passionate pursuit of sharing the gospel and making disciples at any cost. We will focus our efforts on faithful and effective evangelism which results in new believers and growing Christians. Evangelistic passion is the heart of all of our activities. We believe that we are called into a personal relationship with God that includes a commitment for all of us to share the gospel. We are on mission with God as we are obedient to His call to make disciples.
We believe that diversely-gifted Christians are most productive in a selfless atmosphere of responsibility and mutual humility. We will encourage cooperation as the primary model for working together, valuing relationship over structure and group victory over isolated successes as the best way to accomplish our mission.
Financial resources are a gift from God’s abundance through the sacrificial obedience of His people. We will manage those resources with both spiritual stewardship and fiscal responsibility. We will honor those who give by following mission driven and strategy governed budgets, by maximizing income and minimizing expenses, and by putting every dollar possible toward the direct, measurable fulfillment of our stated mission.
We desire to know the will and purpose of God, the mind of Christ, and a growing relationship with Him; therefore we are committed to communicating with Him through prayer.
We desire that our church develop community; therefore we are committed to addressing needs so that we can provide ministry to both our congregation and our local community.
Our Beliefs
Zion Hill Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church. We believe and practice those articles contained in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, which can be viewed here.