This morning I woke up...

May 09, 2019 | By Matt Hill

This morning I woke up in a house that was 68 degrees. As I laid there, I was comfortable with the temperature. I was actually so comfortable with the temperature that I didn't even think about the comfort that it was giving me. A short time later I walked outside and spent time feeding all of the animals. While I was outside, the temperature was below freezing and my hands were cold enough that they began to sting. Upon entering the house, I immediately recognized the blessing of how warm that 68 degrees in the house was. It made me think how I do the same thing in the summer time. I wake up to a nice temperature and relax in its comfort without giving any thought to how blessed I am. Once going outside and working in the summer heat I immediately recognize how cool that same temperature in the house cools me as opposed to heating me in the winter. The common thing is that it takes me getting out of my comfort zone (the house temperature) to really appreciate the true blessing of it. Isn't it the same with our spiritual walk? Too often we sit back in what God has given us with the people that God has given us and totally miss out on how blessed we are to be in the presence of God and all of His blessings. May we be a people who don't mind to get out of our comfort zone to do the chores of reaching more for the kingdom so that we may better understand the blessings that await us when our work is done. Have a blessed day.